This Practice Group handles the Firm’s Admiralty, Shipping, Transport Logistic and Aviation Services.

Maritime & Transport 

  • Admiralty
  • Shipping, Logistics & Allied Matters
  • Carriage by Sea
  • Cargo Claims
  • Ship Chartering
  • Ship Arrest, Detention and Release
  • Ship Lease, Sale and Purchase
  • Ship Financing and Ship Mortgages
  • Cabotage compliance services
  • Ports & Terminals Development and Concessioning
  • Marine Insurance & Claims
  • Demurrage Claims, Freight & Hire Recoveries
  • Marine Piracy and other Related Offences Services
  • Maritime consultancy & National Assembly Liaising


  • Passenger/cargo claims
  • Aviation Insurance & Claims
  • Aircraft Arrest and Release
  • Aircraft Leasing, Chartering, Purchase and Registration
  • Civil Aviation Compliance issues
  • Carriage Conventions
  • Consultancy services

Our Relevant Experience 

  • Commenced, Defended and advised on many contentious and non-contentious litigation actions and matters bordering on admiralty practice in Nigeria on behalf of ship owners/managers and/or their local agents, Charterers, Cargo interests etc which often involved arrest or release of Vessels or Cargo;
  • Reviewed and advised Seaport Terminal Operators Association of Nigeria (STOAN) as well as the Shipping Association of Nigeria (SAN) on the provisions of the National Transport Commission Bill 2016 and the Nigerian Ports & Habour Authority Bill 2016 and represented STOAN and SAN at the Senate and House of Representatives Public Hearings on the Bills;
  • Played very pivotal role in carrying out a Vessel Inspection and Verification Exercise for the Nigerian Maritime Administration & Safety Agency (NIMASA) aimed at effectively updating the Nigerian Ship Register;
  • Effectively negotiated and concluded many vessel acquisition and Charter arrangements and agreements between Foreign Vessel Owning Companies and their Nigerian Counterparts mainly for Offshore Support Services in compliance with the Local Content and Cabotage regimes in Nigeria;
  • Undertook several ship mortgages and registration exercises with the Nigerian Ship Registry and Cabotage Registry at the Nigerian Maritime Administration & Safety Agency;
  • Played active and pivotal roles in the successful representation of an indigenous Offshore Support Company over several contentious litigation and arbitration matters involving about 34 vessels in different foreign jurisdictions arising from a default in the Bond settlement and consequential liquidation proceedings;
  • Successfully represented several foreign Ship Owners/managers over unpaid charter hire and other charterparty obligations;
  • Regularly advised some Shipping Agencies and Terminal Operators on their day to day business operations in Nigeria especially over claims and demands by freight forwarders, clearing agents and other Port Users;
  • Played active role in representing SAN in the ongoing litigation now pending at the Supreme Court on Local Shipping Charges as it relates to Shipping Line Agency Charge (SLAC);
  • Reviewed and advised some Terminal Operators on the Concession Agreements relating to their respective Terminals with a view to entering into a Supplemental Agreement with the Government;
  • Represented a Terminal Operator before the Senate oversight Committee on Ports and Harbours in the Committee’s fact finding mission monitoring the level of compliance with the terms of the Port’s Concession Agreement;
  • Rendered advisory services and negotiated luggage claims for passengers;
  • Recently obtained an Order of the Federal High Court, Lagos in favour of the Nigerian Navy to detain a Vessel used for oil theft in the Gulf of Guinea;
  • Currently representing the Nigerian Navy in an action involving Piracy, Kidnapping for ransom in the Nigerian waters;


Contact us at +234 816 842 9048, +234 803 356 6620 send us an email, or fill out our contact form to speak with one of our Legal experts.

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